Short Film Title: New Girl
Today, I am going to be filming the scenes with only me in them. Julie came over after school to help me film some of the parts. When I got home, I went to go change into my clothes for the scenes. I was wearing a bright pink top with jeans. we started off with me walking through the door of my house. I went outside the door and Julie filmed me walking in. During this scene, it was only me so you I didn't have much dialogue. Julie and I filmed the rest of the shots that I need for the scene by myself. Since I didn't have much dialogue, I had to make sure that my facial expressions where good so that the audience could still have an idea about what was going on in the scene. Filming these scenes weren't too hard. I would say the toughest part of this process was getting the right angle. We also had to figure out how we can make the embarassing photo look like it was found on a website or something similar so it looks realistic. This took a couple ,minutes to figure out, but...
How do your products represent social groups or issues? Our short film focuses on some of the troubles that highschoolers go through. In this case, the new girl, Macie, attends, once again, another new school. Being “the new kid” is already hard enough, but to make it even harder on Macie, Courtney makes her first couple of days at school even more difficult. Courtney gets jealous that her crush, Jacob, likes Macie more then her. This causes her to send out an embarrassing photo of Macie to the whole school, in hopes to get Jacob to lose interest in Macie. However, this makes Jacob see what kind of a person Courtney truly is. Courtney decides that she must apologize and make up for what she’s done to Macie. The short film captures some of the emotions that many teens and highschoolers often go through. Whether it be anxiety, jealousy, or embarrassment, my short film is able to capture all the feelings that the characters go through. This helps to represent how highschoolers are v...
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