More Details on Filming Blog for Music Video

 During the process of the creating the music video, I noticed that my group ran into a couple of problems. One issue is that it was hard to find a day that I was available to film. On Sunday December 5th, I had to plan to go over the one of my group members house, and the rest of the group would come over. However, one of the members could not make it, so the other person did not come either. I started to get worried that we where not going to be able to find another day to film, so I had the idea that me and my other group member would film the shots that we already took, but have me as the main character. This idea was more of a back up plan, just in case we ended up not having enough time to finish. I also wanted to make sure that the group member who is doing the majority of the editing will have enough time to edit the whole video. I ended up deciding that I did not want to film to whole video over again, and I just had to pray that we would be able to finish it on Tuesday. While filming the rest of the scenes that we needed, I made sure that everything in the video would match up and make sense. For example, we had to film a sleepover scene, so I made sure that the curtains where closed, and it appeared to be night out so the audience is able to see that it is a sleepover. I was a little scared while we filmed the pool scene because we could only take one take. In the beginning of the shot, I needed to have may hair/body dry, so this meant that I had to jump in the pool just like my group members wanted, and I had to get it right on my first try. Luckily, I did not mess up so the scene turned out well. After the pool scene, I had to quickly change into my clothes since I had work after. The pool was really cold, however, it was still fun and shooting the scene was fun as well. I feel like all the scenes turned out how we wanted them too, and I am glad that we where able to follow the storyboard pretty closely. I am excited to see how the whole video turns out, and I hope that it looks like a good quality music video. 


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