Preparing for the film

 Since I need to start filming certain scenes for the film, I needed to started getting certain props or materials for the project. My member needs a white t-shirt for her costume, so I offered to get her a shirt. First, I looked for an old t-shirt that I could give her. It had to be white, so I made sure that it was a white shirt that didn't have any designs or logos. I looked in my closet, and I didn't find any t-shirt that I could give away. Then I looked in my dads shirts to see if he had any old ones. He did not have any that I could use so I decided to go to target to get a shirt. I went to target and got a plain white t-shirt. I made sure to give it to Kaitlyn next class. After discussing with my group members, we decided that in order for us to be able to film, Sofia and I decided to switch roles. Sofia and Kaitlyn live much closer together, so it would be easier for them to film together. And I have a pretty busy schedule, so I wouldn't want to hold back my group from filming. This will be easier so I can film more parts by myself, and Kaitlyn and Sofia can film more parts together. I will also make sure to help out direct any parts of the film that they need help with recording. Since spring break is coming up, I want to try to film as much as I can. Since I switched to Sofia role, I now have to play the dead character. So I will also have to look out for any clothing pieces that could possibly match my character. Some pieces may include darker clothing, with rips and stains all over it. My makeup could be very sickly looking, such as looking pale and very tired. I am excited to see everything put together, and hopefully everything goes smoothly.


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