Genre decision blog

 After a lot of brainstorming and thinking, my group has chosen our genre to do “Drama”. Our past three projects last year have been comedic and lively. We wanted to switch it up this time around. Since we have more experience know, it will not be as hard to make a Drama opening seen as it would have been a couple months ago. Our top three decisions were Horror, Thriller and Drama. The differences we discussed were that Horror is just straight up terrifying. On the other hand, thriller is scary but there is built up suspense. We figured that it would be easier to film a drama entrance rather than a horror film or thriller film because we are teenagers and drama is our lives. We also discussed that it would be more fun to make a Drama film. Our last three films were not intentionally humorous but they came out to be because we just looked like awkward teens. However with this film we want it to be different. We want to make something that could be better than anything we have made before. There is a lot of thinking when it comes to this project because we actually have to think out a storyline of a movie. When we were making the music video it was much more simple, we just had to do things that matched the song for about 75 seconds. With this film it has to make a lot of sense what we are doing in the 5 minute interval. If we were to make a horror movie it might have just came out cringey and comedic because we are not professional actors. That is why Drama is the overall better choice. It is also the safest choice. Ways to create drama will be by using CAMS and CLAMPS. In class we were brainstorming about how we will create drama and we thought of Music, Lighting and angles. Using these components will better our film by creating it dramatic.


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