AICE Media Studies (Group)

When thinking of someone to do the commercial project with, I wanted to make sure that I chose people who where hardworking, open to ideas, and participate in the work. I decided to work with Kaitlyn Casella and Sofia Grajales. I feel like they will equally participate in the project, and also bring any ideas to the table, and be open to anyone else's ideas. Sofia and Kaitlyn are both hard-working, and are also very nice and respectful. There have been many times that I have been in a project where I have had to do all the work, and also when any of my ideas where not really accepted. I feel like it is very important that you work with a group that you can trust and count on. Working with friends is always fun, but that doesn't always mean that they are good group project members. A good group are people that you work well with, but can also count on to do the work. I hope that Kaitlyn, Sofia, and me will come up with good ideas for the project, and also make a good video. Another thing that is important when making a project, is to make sure that you participate in it as well. It is never fun to be paired up with people that do not do any work, so it is important to not be one of those people. My goal in this project is to make a good commercial, but also make a video that is unique. This will help our commercial stand out from others. This dos not necessarily mean the product in our commercial has to be unique, it could also mean that our filming technique was cool, or any specific shots that made it stand out. I hope that working with a group will help me know what it is like to film with other people, rather than myself. This will also help me know that if my group members will be people I will want to work with in future projects. It is nice to know what it is like to work with group members to know if that is something you enjoy. And if you do not like it, that can tell you that you may be better off working on future projects by yourself. Hopefully I will have a good experience with my group members, and I hope I learn a lot from this project, and gain more experience with working with film. 


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