Film Review

 So today we where tasked with doing the film review. I decided to ask one of my friends, Hannah, who happens to sit next to me in my media class. Even though we where not completely finished, I still had a lot of our film to show her. I was a little nervous to show her because I haven't shown anyone else our project. She first said how she like the opening scene. Our opening scene was a news report, done by one of our friends Lauren. Hannah said that she thought the costume and makeup looked pretty realistic to what an actual news reporter would wear. She said that the next few scenes where good, and that she liked the different transitions we used. One thing that she did tell us was that we should try to make the audio of the character be a little louder. This was something that I wanted to do because I felt like in some scenes, it was hard to hear the character, and the the sounds from the environment where louder. The last few scenes where filmed at night time. Hannah said to try to make it easier to see whoever is present in the scene because it was a little too dark. For the scene that I was in, she told me that I could look a little more in rough shape, and tried to act more scared and confused. Other than that she said it was pretty good. I will definitely take some of her tips, and try to work on them to make the film better. We only have a couple more scenes to shoot, so if we have time to make any changes to some of the scenes we filmed, I will try and do them better. Some of Hannahs suggestions may be hard to fix because it is difficult for everyone in my group to be able to film on the same day. I will definitely try to fix Hannahs' suggestions, and hopefully it will make it even better. Hannah said our script was good, so luckily we won't have to make any changes to that. So as of right now we need to work on the lighting, audio, and acting.Other than that, we should be good!


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