Filming at Night

 Today, my group and I had a plan to finally film our night scenes. The plan was for me to meet Sofia, pick her up, then bring her over to Kaitlyns. This was the best plan because Sofia and Kaitlyn live pretty close. I live pretty far from them, so I drove up there around 7:30 pm, so I would get there right when it gets dark. It was a really nice drive up there because it was sunset, and it was super pretty. Once I got to Sofia's house, it was pretty dark out, so the filming part should be perfect. Once I got Sofia, we drove to Kaitlyns. When we arrived at Kaitlyns, she told us that because her house is white, and it would look weird in the background, that we should just go down the street. We pulled into a pretty empty street that ended up being a really good spot. One of the scenes where Kaitlyn was walking, there was supposed to be a noise to add suspense. I decided to move the bushes to make it seem as something was there. While filming that scene, we thought it would make more sense if another noise happened. So we decided to drop a hair clip on the street to make a noise would work. What I had to do was go across the street where there was a street lamp. This was perfect because it was pretty scary looking, and it also made it easy for the audience to see where I was. I then had to mess up my hair a lot to make it appear as if I was actually "missing."I was also wearing Kaitlyns ripped up shirt that she made. It was difficult for me to be serious during my scene because I had to do heavy breathing, so I was trying not to laugh. We ended up getting it on the first shot, and it turned out really well. Now all we have to do is finish one or two more shots and it should be good. We also have to finish editing it, but that shouldn't take too long, because we have edited the previous parts that we filmed. 


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