Short Film Research (GWAFI/ Drama)
This 11 minute film introduces drama in a way of grief of loss in the characters. The film's prevalent sound is Dramas regularly use dialogue, voiceover, ambient sound, diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Music plays a big part in drama movies since it helps the audience feel the right emotions. Their personalities are typically reflected in the Common Costumes. A character with a depressed temperament, for example, would probably be dressed in attire of a darker tone which is the case in this film. Typical lighting There is a sense of drama and intrigue in the dim illumination. The term "key lighting" refers to the main source of light. Usually the brightest and creating shadows. Typical Drama Based on the story, the setting, and the characters, the makeup in this movie is typical of dramas. The makeup in this film is used for the purpose to make the characters look ran down and sad. Therefore messy mascara and eyeshadow helps portray this.In this film, common settings including homes, schools, and big cities are utilised. Frequent editing techniques include flashbacks that give the audience a clear backstory to assist them comprehend the movie. I like how plays give us the latitude to be creative with the plot's subject matter. I also like how dramas frequently portray universal human emotions and offer vital lessons to the audience. I believe that many dramas have messages that are identical to one another, which makes it difficult to make an original film.
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